Newsletter December 2014

Newsletter December 2014

Distribution of container contents completed, news of the Christ Worshippers Choir & support to the Butterfly Project in Uganda...

Distribution of container contents completed

As you may remember from the last News Letter without our authority the transport agent in Swaziland delivered the contents separately to the container, so the Choir’s home was full of goods. We reported that distribution was well underway in the summer and this has now been completed.

The photo shows equipment being loaded onto a truck for distribution, with the container in the background.

News of Christ Worshippers Gospel Choir

We continue to support the Christ Worshippers (blind) Choir by sending out money every month to pay their rent and support their living costs. Their rent is going up at the start of the new year from £240 to £260 a month but this is the first increase since they have been in the current property.

There is a new resident at the house as pictured below. Her name is Philile, she is blind, 24 years old and was being badly abused by her family. The Choir rescued her from this situation and took her into their home. They are helping her to learn how to look after herself as she lacks basic skills.

Ncifie continues at University to train as a teacher for the blind. He comes back to the house most weekends and he is pictured below with Sku the Choir leader.

Support to the Butterfly Project Uganda

The Butterfly Project is run by Chrysalis Youth Empowerment Network,, headed by Ben Parkinson, who we know well. It is a charitable organisation based in Birmingham, UK, but operating in Uganda. It supports the development of young social entrepreneurs from remote rural and disadvantaged slum districts. The object is that these committed young people become catalysts for change in their communities. They are supported in this through specialist training and are expected to start and develop their own social project or projects for the benefit of their communities.

The photo is of one of these young people, Charles Obuk who is running a reading project.
It is based in the local rural area he comes from called Agoro close to the Sudan border. The project works with children of age bracket 5 to 15. It helps primary school pupils and others who have dropped out of school. Charles teaches the children how to read novels and to write. The project works under its principle of DEAR which means Drop Everything And Read. This is to encourage the kids to leave things that they do usually for a few hours of the day to come together and read, even learn to speak English.

Africa Equip is providing a container and some equipment and books to send to Uganda and we will be appealing for items specifically requested by the young people including primary School books for this project and other reading and library schemes.

More information in the next newsletter in the new year.

Africa Equip thanks you for your continued support and wishes you a Happy and Peaceful Christmas

It Starts With the Will
to Make a Difference